NB: Make sure you do a back up of your theme, files and database before attempting the tutorials
Last modified : Oct 01 2022
Estimated reading time : 1 minute, 4 seconds - 93 words
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With this tutorial, we will show you how to add a WordPress user via the functions.php file. This how-to is pretty useful in case you can’t access your admin section of WordPress for whatever reason may be.
While you can always do a password reset, you can easily add a simply line of code within your functions.php file via an FTP software:
Adding a WordPress user via functions.php
function nomdevotrefuonction(){ /// Ici mettez votre nom utilisateur sans majuscules $user = 'Username'; /// Ici mettez votre mot de passe $pass = 'Password'; /// Ici mettez votre courriel $email = 'email@domain.com'; /// Condition que utilisateur existe pas on le créé if ( !username_exists( $user ) && !email_exists( $email ) ) { $user_id = wp_create_user( $user, $pass, $email ); $user = new WP_User( $user_id ); $user->set_role( 'administrator' ); } } add_action('init','nomdevotrefuonction');
Once you’ll save the changes in the functions.php file, the new user will be created thus allowing you to log back in.