NB: Make sure you do a back up of your theme, files and database before attempting the tutorials
Last modified : Oct 01 2022
Estimated reading time : 1 minute, 23 seconds - 127 words
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In ths tutorial, we will show you how, with two distinct functions, we can display an ID column in WooCommerce Admin with the help of a shortcode.
There exist two WordPress filters: manage_edit-category_columns and manage_category_custom_column.
In our example, we are going to use them to display WooCommerce taxonomies.
Let’s build our first function, manage_edit-category_columns, by replacing category with product_cat.
To edit the WooCommerce taxonomies, we’ll replace manage_edit-category_columns with manage_edit-product_cat_columns and identify it as termid as our column that we’ll call with our functions:
function my_custom_taxonomy_columns( $columns ) { $columns['termid'] = __('Term ID'); return $columns; } add_filter('manage_edit-product_cat_columns' , 'my_custom_taxonomy_columns');
So with this, we can set up the required column.
The next filter will allow us to display the WooCommerce Taxonomy ID. We’ll do the exact same thing for manage_category_custom_column, by replacing it with manage_product_cat_custom_column.
function my_custom_taxonomy_columns_content( $content, $column_name, $term_id ) { if ( 'termid' == $column_name ) { $content = $term_id; } return $content; } add_filter( 'manage_product_cat_custom_column', 'my_custom_taxonomy_columns_content', 10, 3 );