NB: Make sure you do a back up of your theme, files and database before attempting the tutorials
Last modified : Sep 03 2022
Estimated reading time : 0 minutes, 58 seconds - 111 words
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Count posts in a specific WordPress taxonomy: This tutorial will show you how to create a query that will let you display the number of posts linked to a specific taxonomy slug.
In our example below, our taxonomy is called video-catégorie that you need to force upon your arguments. We created a new category called En discothèque with the en-discotheque slug (a category or taxonomy slug is the ID given when we create it).
Here’s the code snippet to add into your single.php template:
<?php ////// Slug ou identifiant du non de la catégorie classée dans votre taxonomie ///// $catpagediscotheque = 'en-discotheque'; ///////////////////////////////////// Requête ////////////////////////////////////// $args = array( 'post_type' => 'viavideos', 'post_status' => 'published', /// Ici on met notre taxonomy name //// 'video-categorie' => $catpagediscotheque, 'numberposts' => -1 ); echo $num = count( get_posts( $args ) ); ?>
You will get the number of posts linked to your taxonomy’s slug.
Understanding taxonomiesSave a taxonomy