NB: Make sure you do a back up of your theme, files and database before attempting the tutorials
Last modified : Nov 18 2021
Estimated reading time : 1 minute, 43 seconds - 151 words
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With this tutorial, we will show you how to display your WooCommerce customer stats; for example the number of orders or the amount of money a customer spent on your online store.
Woocommerce is the number 1 e-commerce WordPress plugin for online stores.
WooCommerce Hooks for:
Displaying the total number of orders: wc_get_customer_order_count
The amount of money spent on your store: wc_get_customer_total_spent
Now that we know which hooks to use, we will create two columns in the user tables with the manage_users_columns and the manage_users_custom_column filters where the former will display both columns and the latter will allow us to generate the results.
Woocommerce : Afficher des informations dans la colonne utilisateur
///////////////////////////////// Woocommerce users results columns /////////////////////////// function add_user_details_columns($columns) { $columns['user_orders'] = 'Orders'; $columns['user_total_spent'] = 'Total Spent'; return $columns; } function show_user_details_column_content($value, $column_name, $user_id) { if ('user_orders' == $column_name) return wc_get_customer_order_count($user_id); else if ('user_total_spent' == $column_name) return wc_price(wc_get_customer_total_spent($user_id)); return $value; } function add_order_details_to_user_list() { add_filter('manage_users_columns', 'add_user_details_columns'); add_action('manage_users_custom_column', 'show_user_details_column_content', 10, 3); } add_action('admin_init', 'add_order_details_to_user_list'); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Alternatively, you can also use various plugins to display your WooCommerce stats such as Woocommerce Classement or Sales Report for WooCommerce.